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Wim Hof Method

Empower yourself with conscious breathing, cold water exposure and mindset.



Fundamentals Workshop

June 15, 2024

1pm-6pm @ Fort Worden State Park

Port Townsend, Wa

Join me for an experience like no other! Learn the fundamentals of the Wim Hof Method, and experience the power of the mind, the cold and the breath. In this 5 hour workshop, we will delve into the Wim Hof Method and the science behind the three pillars: conscious breathing, cold water exposure and mindset.

Workshop will include presentation and discussion, gentle yoga practice, WHM breathing session, and an optional ice bath.


Delicious soup, organic fruit, fabulous cakes, hot tea and filtered water will be provided.

Workshop taught by certified Wim Hof Method Instructor Karyn Stillwell.


Who is this workshop for?

This workshop is suitable for everyone, but does require a basic level of health. Out of precaution, we advise against participation during pregnancy, or if you are epileptic. People with cardiovascular issues, or any other serious health conditions should always consult a medical professional before starting the Wim Hof Method.

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I believe in the healing, happy-making power of cold water immersion and I am passionate about getting my community out to experience it together.

Join us every Tuesday and Thursday at 5pm at Fort Worden for a Happy Hour Cold Plunge. We meet between the Kitchen Shelter and the Marine Science Center.


“Cold is a stressor, so if you are able to get into the cold and control your body’s response to it, you will be able to control stress.”

- Wim Hof
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